Eight-image panorama, shot with the Sony FE 135mm f/1.8 GM at Acadia National Park in Mane.
Here’s a thing Briana Morgan and I suspected, but confirmed the hard way: It takes a really long time to get to Acadia National Park in Maine from Philadelphia.
“NIne hours,” the magic lady who lives in my phone tried to tell us. The magic lady who lives in my phone is a liar.
We left early(ish) on the morning of Wednesday, July 3, hoping to get to the park in time to set up camp before dark. Hahahahahahahaha. As if we’d recently sacrificed a heart true and fair to the gods of traffic and circumstance. After the gajiollionity time the phone re-calculated a new, more discouraging ETA, we gave up on a timely arrival, killed a few hours in Portland (more on that soon), and then headed straight to Cadillac Mountain — the first place to see the sun come up in the U.S. for much of the year.
Just a few hours before sunrise near the summit of Cadillac Mountain, in Acadia National Park.
It all worked out OK, I’d say.