Taken this spring, from the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. I avoided the Joe Biden rally that was coming a few hours later.
I’ve written before about my ongoing (if slow-going) effort to make my adopted home of Philadelphia feel like home. It’s an effort of fits and starts.
But in a nearly a year and a half of living here (and a year-plus of coming here to see the of-mentioned Briana Morgan before that), I’ve had the opportunity to see some of Philly’s beauty. Here’s to past and future adventures — I look forward to more Philly photo roundup posts in the future.
Germantown Avenue, near the border of Germantown and Mt. Airy — in other words, near our home. I’d come home in a fierce lightning storm, and went out looking to catch a bolt on camera. I never got my flash of lightning head on, but one behind me lit up the sky.
The wonderful Philadelphia Goat Project provides, among other things, free goat walks. Through the streets of Philadelphia. Because why not.
My old buddy, Ben. We used to see more of each other when I lived in South Jersey and worked once or twice a week in Northeast Philly.
The Philadelphia Museum of Art, around the back, in early evening
20-plus years ago, I knew this then-budding artist as David Smith — a classmate and friend at Old Bridge High School in central New Jersey. Now, David Darwin (his married name) lives a few minutes away from my Germantown home. We met up at the Philadelphia School of Circus Arts to see what happens when we put our humble talents together. More from the shoot with David here.
Annie Pollard, with Center City’s lights behind her.
Annie kept getting in the way of my Center City architecture shots.
The pavilion at the Fairmount Water Works.
Briana — the reason I’ve made Philadelphia my home — seen through Christmas lights at the Art Museum.
The view from the Fairmount Water Works.
The Germantown Second Saturday series was one of my first introductions to my new home.
The Germantown Second Saturday series was one of my first introductions to my new home.
At an event for the soon-to-open Attic Brewing Company (coming to Germantown in 2019!).
At an event for the soon-to-open Attic Brewing Company (coming to Germantown in 2019!).
From a neighborhood walk with the Fairmount Photo Club.
From a neighborhood walk with the Fairmount Photo Club.
This is one of the first photos I took in Philadelphia — years before I would make it my home. Then-newbie photographer Lou shot this at the 2013 Philadelphia Marathon.
From the 2017 Cherry Blossom Festival of Greater Philadelphia (not a cherry blossom).
From the National Shrine of Saint Rita of Cascia. More from the shrine here.
From the National Shrine of Saint Rita of Cascia. More from the shrine here.
From a walk through Cherry Street Pier with Photography is Medicine.
The founder of Photography is Medicine, Laine Frank.
Executive Chef Bonnie Shuman of the Weavers Way Co-op. We’re proud working members.
Parks on Tap at Lemon Hill – Fairmount Park Conservancy. I happen to be putting together this post at another Parks on Tap event, at Gorgas Park.
From a walk through west Philadelphia, trying out the Sony 24mm G Master. More photos from that outing here.